To all our Supporters and Contributors from the  maiden edition and now,
The Third Edition in a role Ver.3.0... 

Afro Awards 3.0 we are Bigger!


The process of nomination is very open and glaring and over time our team of programmers will systematically develop
an easy-to-use AI to run the nomination process using auto pilot algorithm . 

Previous Press Release:
Appreciation for the overwhelming:  
Taiwo Oduala is set to launch AFRO AWARDS 2024 which is the 3rd edition also Ver.3.0
after a successful Afro Awards Show at the DGA last year 2023. We are hopful to gain access to collaborators or sponsors to make another milestone for fantastic outing in 2024.

Sponsorship and new Packages will be unveiled soon. Date and time is of high essence but this part is crucial for support and we have a foundation you can clinch on to make our dream a success for version 3.0. 

Social Media

Social Media Links and Follow Up:

2024.  Los Angeles, California. USA

Taiwo Oduala set to launch AFRO AWARDS 2024

We have to celebrate those deserving of Afro Awards from time immemorial recognition is always for those who have contributed immensely to the body works that give light to the survival and credibility of the human race, no matter where you are on planet earth.

Search for #AFROAWARDS2024 and kindly support us, like and follow. you are also invited to the event as it is always an upon event without a gate fee. But you can support the idea and movement, advert on all our spaces at the prestigious venues we have been using.  Contact us for serious partnership deals and you will be glad we can work together.



Foremost Movie Director, Taiwo Oduala, CEO Oduataj productions and Entertainment Inc. is set to launch AFRO AWARDS 2024 in Los Angeles.

Sponsorship Packages will be unveiled soon.

If you can see how much progress we have made in the last years of running Afro Awards without financial support, to show how committed we are and we will not stop at anything but also use this medium to humbly request you boost the coming edition, we can do better because you believe in this journey. Let's do this better.

We have a frame work with ODUATAJ FOUNDATION to support in the area of Financial support as we tend to reach out more and open gateways of networking and social connection of those we celebrate to look at helping young people to 

Get an invitation with a special welcome Certificate to the special Afro Awards Academy Awards of Excellence in Los Angeles 2024. 

Afro Awards is established with the valuable honor of appreciation and the most prestigious excellence awards that recognize individuals and organizations in the USA with a very special welcome certificate from the  Mayor of Los-Angelis.

At the AFro Awards 2024, the record-breaking guests at the event will be shown the capacity and quality of stars who will attend the show of excellence and the 3.0 will be the best celebration this year 2024.

Note: Critical nomination is currently ongoing globally for the most prestigious Afro Awards in Los Angeles, (This is the Surest award of excellence in the year 2024 edition.

It will always be a global event, with nominations worldwide open to everyone. If you have the opportunity to contribute to the success of the Awards 3.0, supported by foundation owners, charity builders, music fundraisers, and superstars from various industries and businesses in the USA, Africa and other continents, you are encouraged to participate.

We are not discriminatory. It is simply the discovery of "awards for excellence" 3.0

More Nominees!
AFRO AWARDS Ver. 3.0 - 2024:

The Jury's decisions and nominations hold the utmost credibility, finalizing the selection of models to be re-invited within the awards. A dedicated special committee has been formed to meticulously oversee the ongoing preparations for the highly anticipated 2024 Afro Awards, the details of which will be unveiled soon.

Behind the scenes, a team of passionate contributors is working tirelessly, dedicating themselves day and night to ensure that every aspect of the event is meticulously planned and executed.

Their efforts are reflected in the daily updates, showcasing the progress made towards the successful realization of the maiden edition.

As we bid farewell to the Afro Awards 2024 in Los Angeles, we extend our heartfelt appreciation to all those who have contributed to its success.

Your dedication and hard work have played a vital role in making this event a memorable one. Now, with version 3.0 on the horizon, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey ahead, filled with anticipation and promise.

Stay up-to-date on our various sources of information, especially on our website. More updates shall be made available as we continue to pave the way for another extraordinary celebration of AFRO AWARDS It is going to be nothing less than what we have witnessed in the past 2 years with an award of excellence.

AFRO AWARDS is powered by

Oduataj Productions & Entertament Inc. USA
"Humanitarian and Excellence"

We're currently trending with #tag #hashtag


Afro Awards

Bridging Continents, Fostering Innovation, and
Promoting Sustainable Development"

Designed and TechMedia Development Control: 
CYRIL ROBINSON (AA Country Director)
Co-founder and COO TUTUTECH LLC, Charlotte, NC., USA. 

Technology IT management Expert:
 LLC. Charlotte, North Carolina, USA
Website | Email 
[email protected]
Tel:  +1 (704)-737-2178 , +1 (704)-685-5556

A n n o u n c e s 
AFRO AWARDS 2.0 - 2024 || 2nd Annual
Los Angeles... 
@ The prestigious :
7920 Sunset Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90046, United States.

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